Pro-Tech Sales

Get Behind The Vest Program

Chicago’s “Get Behind the Vest” program has become a major success for Chicago police officers and their city. Chicago has systematically chosen officers that are eligible for a vest upgrade and helped fund an officers’ new vest purchase. It is also important to mention the program wouldn’t be possible without many donation contributions from people and companies.

When the time is right, Pro-Tech Sales, Point Blank Enterprises and Chicago Police, pick a time and place for a sizing event to commence. Once all schedules are coordinated, the hotels are booked and the cars are packed. The sales staff will have covered all police shift hours by the time the week is over. It is a great undertaking to put this plan in motion but it is a beautiful thing when it works out!

If you’d like to read into the “Get Behind the Vest program” sizing event, please check out the Illinois Cops magazine article they wrote for their August 2015 issue.

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