2015 marks the 18th Annual IDEOA Training Conference! The main speaker on will be retired FBI Special Agent Joe Pistone, the inspiration for the 1997 film, Donnie Brasco. Another presenter this year will be by Silouan Green, veteran who has worked with military veterans and police officers on issues of transition and service, on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Breakout sessions will be three-hour blocks of instruction that run simultaneously. Several breakout sessions are planned, and each officer will be able to attend the sessions they choose.
Breakout sessions include:
– Advanced Vehicle Contraband Concealment
– Alphabet Soup of Designer Drugs
– Biker 101/Biker Investigations
– Chicago Gangs/Drugs & Impact in Illinois
– Courtroom Testimony
– Covert Audio Techniques
– Negotiating/Managing Flash Roll Investigations/T-III Investigations From Start to Finish
– Undercover Violence & Officer Survival